contexte is the most professional browser-based WYSIWYG editor available.
contexte is designed to give the site designer control while allowing other users safe editing capabilities. A robust backup system is built-in with roll-back previews and roll-back overwrites.
With advanced features not found on other WYSIWYG editors, contexte is compatible with Explorer-7+, Chrome-8+, Firefox-3+, Safari-3+, and Opera-9+, (Windows & Mac) producing W3C compliant code for HTML/XHTML markup. contexte can install on Linux/Apache or Windows/IIS servers.
contexte can edit plain html pages, or pages containing dynamic content like drop-down menus, flash, or server-side includes without mangling the dynamic content. contexte uses block editing concepts with editblocks, userblocks, includeblocks, and excludeblocks to control what can be edited on a page, and who can edit it.
See the Features page for a list of tools that are not found on other WYSIWYG editors!
Although site owners can use contexte to maintain their website, contexte is built to give a site designer control over editing done by users who have no experience with HTML or web design.
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contexte will run on any browser that supports the “contentEditable” attribute.
contexte will run on any Unix or Windows server that supports Perl. contexte is normally run from an /contexte folder, but may be run from a cgi-bin if your server requires it.