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In addition to the standard set of WYSIWYG tools, Contexte has the following features:
Contexte can be setup to edit full pages or only parts of pages. Editblocks must be coded into pages to edit only parts of pages.
You can have multiple editblocks on a page.
If you have multiple users editing a page you can specify which users can edit particular blocks by using a userblock instead of an editblock.
Alternately, sections of pages can be protected from editing by using excludeblocks.
You can even write an edit on a page to an included file (SSI, PHP, ASP) using an includeblock.
Users can login to contexte directly from the page or from the contexte cgi script.
On a per user basis you can decide whether to use HTML tags for font formatting with the tool, or use Styles type formatting using the tool. Different browsers insert different HTML tags for formatting, so it is best to use Style type formatting if more than one type of browser will be editing a page.
Most wysiwyg editors are proud of the robustness of their color picker for coloring text, table cells, etc. Contexte proprietary ColorPad tool is no exception. However, allowing users to color-up a page with every color in the rainbow can produce some really ugly pages. contexte therefore allows the “admin” to create a list of approved site-wide colors, and then limit a user to only those colors.
As with other WYSIWYG editors, you can build custom forms submitted to your own custom cgi, php, or asp scripts. But, contexte goes two steps further with the Form Widget .
contexte can resize images to produce thumbnails for:
Type 3 can produce the thumbnails only if your server has the Image::Magick or the LWP::Simple program installed. Type 1 & 2 will use the Image::Magick program if you have it installed, otherwise the image is uploaded to a blind domain, resized, and downloaded back to your domain.
Imagemagick installs on Windows just like any other application. On Unix, it must be installed by superuser using YUM - yum install ImageMagick, yum-install ImageMagick-perl.
The tool can create a search field on your webpage that will allow visitors to search your website. The search crawls the actual pages live-time for matches. The search results are displayed right on the page in an overlay. Try the Site Search in the upper left cornor of this page - use the word “widget”.
Since the Site Search crawls pages live-time you can prohibit searches in specific folders and search only specific file extensions. The Site Search should be limited to less that 100 page searches.
The contexte Site Search is the same program as Search Widget Pro.
Contexte can create “folder restricted users” that will allow a user access to only the folder on your website. This allows you to build communities giving each username their own url space, complete with wysiwyg editing.
The widget builds a form that visitors can use to automatically join your community. The form activates a process that will populate their username folder with any files you want, including an instructions page. You can therefore populate their folder with a template page containing editblocks restricting them to editing only within the confines of your site design.
The form emails a notice to the email address of your choice whenever a new member signs up so you can review and add their webspace to your sitewide navigation. If you want, you can even route the signup process through a payment processor such as PayPal to charge for the service or establish recurring community service fees. Sound complicated? There is a Flash tutorial
Author: This tool allows the user to leave comments for content to be added and content to be deleted. This user can not save edits to the file that is active on the website. Files saved by this user are saved with “_pending” as the end of the file name. Although this user may be limited to editing only a list of files, this user can re-edit those file's “_pending” files also. This user's edits can be reviewed and published to the original file by an assigned Publisher. If the Publisher's profile contains an email address, an email notice is sent to the Publisher when this user saves an edit.
Publisher: This tool allows the user to leave comments for content to be added and content to be deleted or to delete the comments. This user can publish “_pending” edits made by an Author or re-save the “_pending” file. If the Author of the file has an email address in their profile an email notice is sent to the Author if this user saves to the “_pending” file. When this user saves the “_pending” file to the original file the edits become active and published to the website. The widget will load the changelog for this Publisher listing all “_pending” files awaiting publishing by this user.